Hello! We're glad you're here, and we have good news for you: participating in The Puka Project is easy. 


Step 1

Find a puka on the beach or pick from your collection.

Step 2

Write your name and a well wish on a provided card.

Step 3

Drop your wish and puka in the Puka Project jar at a location near you.

Locations include: 

Other ways you can participate in The Puka Project:

  1. Follow @PukaPerri on Instagram to find out who we are driving for and when

  2. Have a Hero in mind who deserves and needs some extra love and healing? Email us.

  3. Buy a Puka Perri piece - part of the proceeds fund The Puka Project

If you have many pukas to donate to The Puka Project or want to be involved in any other way, contact Perri at pukaperri@gmail.com.